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Become a more responsible dog owner with this DNA testing kit

Dogs are more than a human’s best friend. If you’re one of the people lucky enough to own one, then you surely consider them to be a member of your family. The bond you share with your four-legged friend only grows stronger with time.

And like people, dogs can be just as peculiar with their personalities, and an understanding between you and them can prove beneficial when it comes to giving them the lives they deserve. To do that, knowing their breed goes a long way in understanding just what makes them tick and how best to raise them. The DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test allows you to do just that, and you can purchase it today for a limited-time price of $60, a discount of 24%.

Here’s how easy it is to find your dog’s DNA: Upon your order, DNA My Dog will send you a kit that includes everything you need to find your dog’s breed. Once your kit arrives, all you have to do is swab your dog’s cheek with the provided sterile applicator. From there, you’ll send your applicator back via the supplied return mailing envelope. In approximately two weeks, the results of your dog’s DNA test are emailed to you.

Your dog’s completed test results will include its exact breed or mix, information about that breed’s unique personality traits, and information regarding your dog’s genetic health concerns & risk for certain diseases.

In 2020, DNA My Dog received a GHP Biotechnology Award for Leaders in Ethical Canine Genetic Testing, and 75 people have given this kit stellar reviews averaging 4.5 stars so far. Verified 5-star reviewer Melissa G. writes, “Our dog is 12 years old and we always suspected her breed and we learned we were pretty close. This test was so quick, easy and accurate!”

Being a great dog owner entails more than just feeding it the best foods. Understanding just what makes your dog tick or why it behaves a certain way in many cases can only come with knowing exactly what breed it is. Don’t waste any more time guessing or wondering, and purchase this dog DNA kit today at its discounted price.


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